Yang's Acupuncture & Herbs
Ancient Traditions for 21st Century Health Care
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An Ancient Healing Tradition

The roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be traced back as far as the thirteenth century B.C.E. In fact, the philosophy behind the art and science of healing in Asia had its beginnings thousands of years earlier. One remarkable aspect of Chinese civilization is its continuous rise and development through many fertile and tumultuous periods of history. Today, as in ancient times, Traditional Chinse Medicine is a living cultural heritage worth a lifetime of study.

When you begin your TCM treatment, it's helpful to be familiar with some ideas you'll come across along the way. These ideas may be new to you. They are based on centuries of careful observation and experimentation.

The cycles and forces in nature give rise to constant change, seeking ever new states of balance. Chinese scientists and long studied these changes on every level of life from the natural-biological to the political-historical and even to the spiritual. The results of these observations form a world view that may seem strange at first. As your health and vitality find a new balance though, you’ll come to appreciate how the simple foundation principles of Tradition Chinese Medicine apply to your health and wellbeing on every level.

I'm always ready to answer your questions and look forward to helping you in your progress.

yin yang Yin and Yang

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Acupuncture, Herbal Treatments,
Tui Na / Acuupressure Therapy
(510) 827-2582
957 Dewing Avenue Suite 4
Lafayette, California 94549
Mons Weds Fris
Please call before 5:30pm for
an evening appointment